
We will be sorting Arthropods (insects, millipedes, spiders, etc.) at Twin Creeks Science and Education Center - about a mile up the Motor Nature Trail from Gatlinburg. These are samples taken during the Tree Team, high-elevation beech tree project field work at Indian Gap and Balsam Mountain. Your volunteer assistance will allow us to sort all preserved individuals into major groups of organisms for further identification by expert taxonomists. We are establishing baseline data for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on Arthropods associated with Beech Trees that appear to be in decline.

All volunteers will be given a microscope and a simple key (= instructions and drawings) to use to recognize these major groups during sorting. This event will begin at 4:30 pm and wrap-up at about 7:30 pm. Please let us know you're coming via email to todd @, or call Todd at (865)430-4757.

Thanks ahead of time for your help.

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