Be a Private Foundation Funder
As a foundation with interests in the environment, conservation, education, and/or technology, a partnership with Discover Life in America will allow you the opportunity to make an impact in your local community, the United States and beyond. If you represent a foundation that has philanthropic priorities that align with the mission and goals of Discover Life in America, we look forward to the opportunity to work side-by-side to address these common interests for the betterment of environmental conservation.
Key Private Foundation Grant Accomplishments
With private grant funding, Discover Life in America was able to make the following impacts:
- Enable scientists and citizens to discover over 900 new species to science and over 6,500 new species to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
- Bring real science to school children thorughout the region and help them get excited about the wonders of biodiversity.
- Allow Park managers to obtain and use important information for protecting our natural heritage
- Encourage the development of the next generation of scientists and taxonomists.
- Advance the opportunity for the discovery of the next breakthrough in medical research and medicine.