Biodiversity Days

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variation of species in a given ecosystem, including all types of life forms from plants to animals. Here in the Smoky Mountains, estimates have been as high as 100,000 for how many unique species reside here. The variety of species in an ecosystem has become important to scientists since population and consumption of resources by society have been growing.

Why is Biodiversity Important?

The level of biodiversity in an ecosystem is a measure of how healthy that ecosystem is. Humans are affected by biodiversity in their everyday lives, with services such as clean air, fertile soil, and water purification all stemming from the ecosystem and its biodiversity. Thus diversity in ecosystems enriches human life through methods not easily seen, and we need biodiversity to support ourselves and all other life we share this planet with.

What are Biodiversity Days?

Celebrate Biodiversitiy Days in Great Smoky Mountains National Park with walks, seminars, demonstrations, scientist-led field trips, and other fun events. All in celebration of the amazing diversity of GSMNP. Learn more about the biodiversity of GSMNP and the on-going All Taxa Biodiveristy Inventory (ATBI) throughout this website. Space will be limited; make your reservations early. Check our upcoming events for the next Biodiversity Days event.

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