About Us

Ursus americanaDiscover Life in America is a small non-profit organization based in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  It is our goal to learn all we can about the estimated 60,000 to 80,000 species of life in the park, and share that information with scientists and the public.

The main project of DLIA is the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI).  A joint effort with the National Park Service, the ATBI is a concentrated effort to identify and record every single species within Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  It is the first effort of its kind, and organizations all across the US and Europe are following our example.

Discover Life in America funds and organizes the ATBI, bringing some of the world's top researchers into the Smokies.  We also try to engage the public with educational programs and volunteer "citizen-science" opportunities.  Check out our upcoming events to see what fun events are coming up next, or look at our volunteer page to find ways to help our staff and scientists.

If you have any more questions, please consult our FAQ page.

Letter from the Board Chair and list of Board of Directors.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, your tax-deductible gifts allow us to keep operating.  If you can, please support us in our quest to discover life in the Smoky Mountains.

The staff of Discover Life in America appreciates your friendship and your support in helping us inventory and discover the amazing variety of life in the Smokies.

Corporate Sponsors