Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Sean O'Connell
Project Summary:

Seven species of Archaea (six or seven new to science) and 52 species of Bacteria (37 new to science) have been thus far. Seventy-two DNA sequences have been generated to help identify archaeal and bacterial species and will be added to two databases. For organisms that can be cultivated in the laboratory, we are freezing samples away for future studies. For those organisms that resist cultivation (e.g., all Archaea detected thus far) we are archiving DNA samples for future studies as well. Bacteria were collectedin caves, streams, and forest soils, with 52 species identified. Other microbes were taken from bird and bat feces. Some microbes were incubated and tested to be extremophiles, while others were observed for their response to environmental stress.

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Sean O'Connell

PI Organization:  Western Carolina University

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Sean O'Connell

Taxonomist Organization:  Western Carolina University

Corporate Sponsors