Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Paula Furey
Project Summary:

As part of the inventory of the algae in the GSMNP, this project proposes to focus on the ecology and image-rich documentation of the acid loving diatom Eunotia, which is taxonomically diverse, and likely contains species that are endemic to the GSMNP, restricted in range, or new to science. Over 36 species of Eunotia have been found in the park thus far and it is predicted that the GSMNP supports an even more diverse community of Eunotia both in terms of number of species and geographical distribution. Eunotia species can flourish in the park because of the aquatic and aerial habitats that are 5 ö 10X more acidic than normal, in combination with the presence of a complex geology and range of altitudes. Understanding the ecology and distribution patterns of Eunotia in the GSMNP will help scientists and conservation biologists track changes in the environment associated with habitat acidification.

Collectors List: CollectorList.pdf

Family Count Graph: SpeciesCountAcGraph.pdf

Species by Month: CountsPerSpeciesByMonth.pdf

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Paula Furey

PI Organization:  St. Catherine University

Corporate Sponsors