In order to find additional new species and records of Psychodidae in GSMNP and obtain additional material for descriptions of previously collected new species, I propose to continue sampling with Malaise traps and begin sampling with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) traps, particularly in unique aquatic and semi-terrestrial microhabitats. Inventory data will subsequently be recorded in the ATBI Database and used to construct web-based, multi-access taxonomic keys and species fact sheets.In addition, field and laboratory research experience will be provided to a group of Cherokee, North Carolina high school students who are under the supervision of Paul Super during the 2007 field season. The students will work with me to set up Malaise traps at various locations, and a workshop will be given by me in early August at the Purchase Knob research facility to cover aspects of the GSMNP ATBI, GSMNP psychodid survey and new species description.
Family Count Graph: GenusCountAcGraph.pdf
Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf
Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf
Upper Taxa List: CompleteTaxa.pdf
Principal Investigator
PI Name: Mr.Gregory R. Curler
PI Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville