Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Annelid Worms
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Mark Wetzel
Project Summary:

Forty-nine steam sites, 12 springs and seeps, one pond and Gum Swamp, all located within the Park, have been surveyed for aquatic Oligochaeta (and other macroinvertebrates); over 1,000 oligochaete specimens have been mounted and identified, representing three families, eight genera, and 13 species – all represent new Park records, and one – Rhyacodrilus subterraneus (Tubificidae) – represents a new state record for NC.

Principal Investigator

PI Name: Dr. Mark Wetzel

PI Organization: University of Illinios

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name: Dr. Mark Wetzel

Taxonomist Organization: University of Illinios

Corporate Sponsors