Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Park Backlog
Organism Group Sought:
Small Mammals - Bats
Principal Investigator:
Jackie Belwood
Project Summary:
This project centered around an inventory of bats called the Bat Bioblitz. Besides information on individual bats, parasites were also collected. The reports below from this project, however, only include bat species.
Collectors List: CollectorList.pdf
Family Count Graph: GenusCountAcGraph.pdf
Genera of Largest Family Graph: GenusCountAcGraph.pdf
Project Information: ProjectInfo.pdf
Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf
Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf
Upper Taxa List: UpperTaxa.pdf
Principal Investigator
PI Name: Jackie Belwood
Co-investigator #1
Co-PI Name: Dr. Mick Harvey
Co-PI Organization: Tennessee Tech University