Grant Number:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Paul J. Bartels
Project Summary:

Dr. Bartels

We propose to continue our inventory of water bears (Phylum Tardigrada). To date (Jan '05) we have identified just over 4500 specimens, discovering 62 new records for the park (out of a total of 65 species), including 12 species new to science. Most of our backlogged, original samples have now been processed and are mounted on slides for identification, but we are adding to our collection to focus on special habitats of interest such as lichens and mosses on rocks. In addition to continuing the basic inventory, we will continue work on: describing our new species in separate publications, developing the on-line taxonomic key to tardigrades which is well underway, and continuing to add to our photo-catalogue of our species and mapping of species distributions in the park. Additionally, the Tenth International Symposium on Tardigrades will be meeting the summer of 2006. A paper summarizing our results to date will be presented at that conference and submitted for publication!


Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Paul J. Bartels

PI Organization:  Warren Wilson College

Corporate Sponsors