Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Algae and Diatoms
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Jeff Johansen
Project Summary:

I feel that substantial progress has been made this year in the algal twig.  The preparation of four separate manuscripts (2 having completed the peer review process) as well as a funded NSF proposal seems to us to be an excellent outcome from the generous but limited DLIA award.  I had actually hoped to be further along in describing the new species in the park, but this is a more arduous task than initially anticipated.  However, I intend to continue to work on the flora and publish the new species we find (and have found).  A website for the algal twig has been started by Rex Lowe, and I intend to install our species images on that website.

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Jeff Johansen

PI Organization: John Carroll University

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Jeff Johansen

Taxonomist Organization: John Carroll University

Corporate Sponsors