Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Soil Slime Molds and Algae
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Adam W. Rollins
Project Summary:

This project will examine the diversity and co-occurrence of myxomycetes and algae (including cyanobacteria) in soils of different forest types in the GSMNP. Myxomycetes are common in soils; however, they have not yet been examined for this microhabitat in the Park. In addition, the algae of the Park have been surveyed only in aquatic habitats, leaving those associated with soils largely neglected. The overall objective is to characterize the assemblages of these organisms across the major forest types in the park (e.g., spruce-fir, cove hardwood, etc.). A secondary objective is to compare assemblages of these organisms between sites receiving relatively high inputs of pollutants versus similar sites receiving lower inputs. The project will involve at least one undergraduate from Lincoln Memorial University, TN and Ave Maria University, FL.

Collectors List: CollectorList.pdf

Family Count Graph: FamilyCountAcGraph.pdf

Genera of Largest Family Graph: GenusCountAcGraph.pdf

Project Information: ProjectInfo.pdf

Samplings List: SamplingsList.pdf

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Upper Taxa List: UpperTaxa.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Adam W. Rollins

PI Organization:  Lincoln Memorial University

Co-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  Dr. Thomas Smith

Co-PI Organization:  Ava Maria University

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Adam W. Rollins

Taxonomist Organization:  Lincoln Memorial University

Literature References: 

Coelho IL, Stephenson SL 2012 – Myxomycetes associated with pipevine, a temperate liana. Mycosphere 3(2), 245–249, Doi 10.5943 /mycosphere/3/2/8

Corporate Sponsors