Grant Number:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Colin Favret
Project Summary:

Aphids are small plant-feeding insects with complicated life cycles. Species of aphids are generally restricted to a narrow taxonomic range of hosts, and host identity is usually necessary for correctly identifying an aphid. A preliminary survey conducted in 2003 indicated that the Smoky Mountains harbor a diverse aphid fauna. This survey was general and did not target any area or host taxon in particular. In 2004, areas of the National Park that contain particular plants known to host aphids will be targeted for sampling. Some of the targeted hosts will be oaks, poplars, asters, sedges, and ferns. Furthermore, many aphids are tended by ants, and working out these aphid-ant relationships will be a secondary focus of the project.

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Colin Favret

PI Organization:  Center for Biodiversity, Illinois Natural History Survey

Corporate Sponsors