Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Water Mites
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Ian Smith
Project Summary:

In 2005 and 2006, we surveyed water mites in 19 watersheds and contributed records on 51 genera in 25 families and 7 superfamilies. We are submitting records to the ATBI database of known species from our collections thus far, but we estimate that at least half of our specimens represent new species.

For 2007, we propose to return to sites previously sampled to obtain specimens needed to facilitate continued progress on species identification. Preliminary 2006 surveys of water mites in the lower Abrams watershed and in southern watersheds accessible only by boat across Fontana Lake suggest that these areas have the potential to yield species not yet found in the Park; thus, we propose to expand our work in southern and eastern watersheds. We also propose a follow-up to our 2006 workshop to train Park personnel and volunteers in water mite collection.

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Ian M. Smith

PI Organization:  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Co-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  Dr. Andrea J. Radwell

Co-PI Organization:  University of Arkansas

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Ian M. Smith

Taxonomist Organization:  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Corporate Sponsors