Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Water Mites
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Ian Smith
Project Summary:

We conducted an initial survey of water mite diversity in GSMNP in September 2005 by obtaining 56 collections from 11 watersheds representing stream riffles and pools, springs and seepages, and waterfalls. As anticipated, water mites proved to be abundant and their populations taxonomically diverse in these habitats. We identified mites from 49 genera in 25 families and 7 superfamilies, including two genera not previously found in North America and two others known only from Oregon and California. Species identification is underway and we expect to find at least 150 species, about half of them undescribed.

Our objectives for 2006 are to continue identifying specimens collected in 2005 in northern and western areas of the Park, and to survey selected habitats in southern and eastern watersheds. We will also conduct an educational workshop to provide a comprehensive introduction and some hands-on experience to those wishing to improve their knowledge of water mites.

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Ian M. Smith

PI Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Co-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  Dr. Andrea Radwell

Co-PI Organization:  University of Arkansas

Corporate Sponsors