Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Edward C. Clebsch
Project Summary:

Dr. Clebsch

The most significant accomplishment under this grant has been, in the judgment of the Principal Investigator, to get him trained in pseudoscorpions well enough that he can now begin to make critical identifications of the thousands of specimens collected in the ATBI endeavor. The wisdom of the reviewers of the proposal was greater than that of the investigator—the proposal promised to do too much with too little. It is solely the fault of the investigator that most of the promised training did not occur.
The primary objective of ATBI—that of inventory—will still be accomplished by the investigators. The schedule will be stretched for years beyond what was proposed and what was desirable.


Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Edward C. Clebsch

PI Organization:  University of Tennessee (Professor Emeritus of Botany and Ecology)

Co-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  James C. Cokendolpher

Co-PI Organization:  Texas Tech University Natural Science Research Lab

Corporate Sponsors