Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Hemiptera (true bugs)
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Charles R. Bartlett
Project Summary:

Dr. Bartlett

The objectives of the study were to produce a preliminary inventory of the fulgoroid species and to estimate the actual richness through a species accumulation curve and a series of sample-based richness estimators. Three investigators took sweep samples from 28 localities throughout the Park with all specimens of the target taxon retained. This preliminary inventory obtained 1,290 specimens, representing 8 families, 23 genera and 37 species. Species accumulation curves and nine estimators of species richness were explored, all of which predicted a species richness of approximately 50 species (range of estimates 44-58 species). This approximation probably underestimates the true species richness of planthoppers because of seasonal, spatial and methodological limitations of this initial estimate.


Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Charles R. Bartlett

PI Organization:  University of Delaware

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Charles R. Bartlett

Taxonomist Organization: University of Delaware

Corporate Sponsors