Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Vascular Plants and Lichens
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Mary Ann Feist
Project Summary:

In 2003 botanists from the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) made three week-long trips to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) to collect vascular plants and lichens. Collecting trips were conducted in April, July, and October to maximize the number of different species encountered. This year we concentrated our search efforts in the south central portion of the park near Fontana Lake . We collected a total of 1294 vascular plant specimens and 93 lichen specimens. Six new park records were found. Also, 122 collections of 62 vascular plant species listed as “rare to the park” were made. Voucher specimens of all vascular plant species were collected and deposited in both the herbaria at the Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS) and the University of Tennessee (TENN). Specimens of new park records were also deposited at the GSMNP herbarium located at the Sugarlands Visitor Center (GSMNP). Label data is entered into the INHS herbarium's electronic database and is sent to park personnel and Discover Life in America (DLIA). The INHS herbarium's electronic database is searchable at:http://ellipse. specimens are in the process of being identified, labeled, and databased. Specimens and database information will be distributed when completed.

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Mary Ann Feist

PI Organization:  Illinois Natural History Survey

Co-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  Dr. Loy R. Phillippe

Co-PI Organization:  Illinois Natural History Survey

Co-investigator #2

Co-PI Name:  Dan T. Busemeyer

Co-PI Organization:  Illinois Natural History Survey

Corporate Sponsors