Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. C. Roxanne Connelly
Project Summary:

We will train volunteers to monitor the Park for mosquitoes living in water-holding containers associated with human activity (tires, cans, bowls, bottles, buckets). This program will provide data on the times of year when the mosquitoes are most abundant and how the different species utilize various containers. The results may provide some insight into potential public heath concerns. A website for the public will be developed to display photographs and natural history of each mosquito species collected from the Park.

Family Count Graph: GenusCountAcGraph.pdf

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Upper Taxa List: CompleteTaxa.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. C. Roxanne Connelly

PI Organization:  University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Corporate Sponsors