Grant Number:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Emily Whiteley
Project Summary:

The study consisted of two parts: 1) sorting to adult and juvenile, the spiders collected in Malaise traps over a two year period, and identifying the adults and 2) entering the data generated into Biota, a relational database published by Sinauer and Associates. Spiders collected by ATBI personnel, from twenty-two malaise traps, representing eleven habitat types and up to two years of collecting, were sorted to morphospecies and by age class (adult or juvenile). The adults collected were identified to species, with some juveniles of particular species identified as well. Dr. Fred Coyle, of Western Carolina University, confirmed all species identifications.

There were 443 adult spiders (or easily identifiable juveniles) in the total of 5482 spider specimens. These represent 19 families, 62 genera, and 88 species.

Principal Investigator

PI Name: Emily Whiteley

PI Organization: Catawba Valley Community College

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name: Emily Whiteley

Taxonomist Organization: Catawba Valley Community College

Corporate Sponsors