Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Donald Davis
Project Summary:

We collected approximately 2,024 specimens representing 331 species, approximately 25 of which were new to the park. We compared species richness and calculated faunal similarity among the five sampling sites using the families Noctuidae and Geometridae as exemplar taxa. Species richness ranged from a high of 202 at Foothills Parkway to a low of 80 at Greenbrier. Faunal similarity among the six sites ranged from 0.44 (between Cosby and Cades Cove) to 0.19 (between Cove Hardwood and Tremont).


Principal Investigator
PI Name:  Dr. Donald Davis
PI Organization:  U.S. National Museum of Natural History
Co-investigator #1
Co-PI Name:  Dr. John W. Brown
Co-PI Organization:  U.S. National Museum of Natural History
Primary Taxonomist
Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Donald Davis
Taxonomist Organization:  U.S. National Museum of Natural History

Corporate Sponsors