Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
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Organism Group Sought:
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Harold W. Keller
Project Summary:

Dr. Keller

Most of this field season was spent at the Cosby House and area.  We used sticky insect traps because our canopy maliase traps did not arrive in time for our trip.  It was very dry which resulted in very few ground collections.  We climbed and sampled from approximately 25 trees.   I was the entire ground crew.

The remainder of the summer and fall was spent preparing for our International Congress (ICSEM4) and writing journal papers.  I believe this period of time was the most productive of my career.  Please note the journal papers in press and abstracts given at professional meetings. 

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Harold W. Keller

PI Organization:  Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Dr. Harold W. Keller

Taxonomist Organization: Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Corporate Sponsors