Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Hemiptera (true bugs)
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Charles R. Bartlett
Project Summary:

Dr. Bartlett

This study will use ATBI pilot study specimens to extend my 2002 planthopper results and initiate leafhopper (excluding Typhlocybinae) research. Two students will use the ATBI samples (600+ presently on hand) as thesis research projects towards their degrees. Their project will be to conduct diversity analyses (including species accumulation curves) predicting the total species richness of these insects in the Park, and compile species list including records from the NPS collection and previous research (37 planthopper species previously recorded; 140+ leafhoppers are expected). The students will also prepare reference collections for the NPS and provide specimen data to the ATBI.


Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Dr. Charles R. Bartlett

PI Organization:  Department of Entomology and Applied Ecology, University of Delaware

Corporate Sponsors