Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Arthropods Associated with American Beech
Principal Investigator:
Todd Witcher
Project Summary:

DLIA Exec Dir, Todd Witcher


The Tree Team project is designed to find if relationships exist between arthropods and high elevation clonal American Beech trees, Fagus grandifolia. A series of active and passive collection techniques are being used to capture arthropods within the declining American Beech stands and the healthier control sites. These sites will be compared to gather information useful for the Park's management of these unique, yet problematic areas of forest community.  If all continues to go well, the project could expand to other trees that are of conservation concern within the park.

The reports below represent species identified up to today's date. DLIA and volunteers first sort out the Arthropods into major groups (mostly orders), and then send them off to taxonomic experts to have them identified. Then these identified specimens are returned and the DLIA Data Tech enters their data into the park's database structure. This process is piecemeal in that we receive the groups of identified specimens a little at a time, depending on the taxonomists' schedules.

So far the following list represents the groups that have been identified thus far and are displayed in the reports below.

  • Trees: American Beech trees and other trees that are being used as control species.
  • Opiliones (daddy longlegs or harvestmen)
    Taxonomist: Dr. Jeff Shultz, University of Maryland

Note: the reports below are accumulative and will include additional species as they are identified and entered into the ATBI database. So, check back with us as we continue to update our reports.

Collectors List: CollectorList.pdf

Collectors Species: CollectorSpecies.pdf

Count Per Specimen: SpecimenCount.pdf

Data Quality Notes: DataQualityNotes.pdf

Family Count Graph: FamilyCountAcGraph.pdf

Project Information: ProjectInfo.pdf

Sampling Method Results: SamplingMethodResults.pdf

Samplings List: SamplingsList.pdf

Sampling Site Locations: SiteList.pdf

Species by Substrate: TaxaBySubstrate.pdf

Species by Watershed: TaxaByWatershed.pdf

Species Composition: SpeciesComp.pdf

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Species Richness: SpeciesRichness.pdf

Specimens List: Specimen.pdf

Upper Taxa List: UpperTaxa.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Todd Witcher

PI Organization:  Discover Life in America, Exec DirCo-investigator #1

Co-PI Name:  Daniel Roberts

Co-PI Organization:  DLIA Intern and University of Alabama GraduateCo-investigator #2

Co-PI Name:  Dr. Duane Pierce

Co-PI Organization:  Retired - Volunteer AdvisorPrimary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name: (various)

Corporate Sponsors