Grant Number:
Grant Amount:
Project Type:
Organism Group Sought:
Amoeboid Protozoans
Principal Investigator:
Gerry Middleton
Project Summary:

The Testate Amoebae data was spawned out of a masters thesis project with field work conducted in 2006 and 2007.  DLIA and the GSMNP thank the primary investigator, Gerry Middleton, for voluntarily contributing this data and for adding value by presenting a talk at an ATBI Conference.

Collectors List: Collectors.pdf

Family Count Graph: FamiliesGraph.pdf

Project Information: ProjectInfoAm.pdf

Samplings List: SitesWithSamples.pdf

Species Ranking: SpeciesDistributionRanking.pdf

Species Report: Taxonomy.pdf

Specimen Count Per Year: SpeciesTrackingByYear.pdf

Upper Taxa List: UpperTaxa.pdf

Principal Investigator

PI Name:  Gerry Middleton

PI Organization:  State of Tennessee

Primary Taxonomist

Taxonomist Name:  Gerry Middleton

Taxonomist Organization:  State of Tennessee

Corporate Sponsors